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Library and ProjectSettings cause Mesh vertex positions go wrong



The generated MeshCollider vertex positions are wrong in Repo project. But exporting the assets and import to new project or delete Library and ProjectSettings folder, the vertex positions are correct.

1. Open the repo scene in Repo project
2. Click on the rock object
3. Observe the MeshCollider
4. Optional. Remove the Library and ProjectSettings folder and repeat 1-3 again.

Expected Result:
The vertices of the MeshCollider are tightly stick with the rock object vertices.
Actual Result:
The vertices of the MeshCollider are moved outward by a certain value.
Please see attached image.

Removing Library together with ProjectSettings folder will fix this problem.

Regression is checked with opening the Repo project with the following versions:
Reproduced in : 2017.1.0b4, 2017.1.0b3, 2017.1.0b2, 2017.1.0b1, 5.6.0p4
(Cannot test with 5.5 since shader error)

  1. Resolution Note:

    Does not reproduce with 2019.3.0a3

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