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Under Consideration for 6000.0.X



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Layer Lit: 4th layer not working



Reproduces on: 2021.3.43f1, 2022.3.46f1, 6000.0.19f1

The layer lit shader has an issue with the layer addition in case of a copy.


steps to reproduce:
# Launch the latest Unity version with {*}HDRP{*}.
# Use linked package or create a new scene with an object using the layer lit shader with 3 layers.
# Make sure all 3 layers have materials assigned to them
# Do a *copy* of the material with 3 layers.
# In the material copy, add a 4th layer.
# In the layer material list the 4th layer is *not visible* and doesn't work when the material in assigned to an ibject.


+Actual result:+  The added layer is not referenced in the material list and has no effect in the scene/game view.
+Expected result:+ The layer addition should work even on a material copy.

Reproduced on: PC with Windows 10.

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