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Issue ID
JsonUtility does not serialize/deserialize DateTime formats
Repro steps:
1) Open the project and only scene in it
2) Play the scene
3) Inspect the Console - notice that no result is given in the WarningLog with serialized JSON object (see screenshot)
Reproduced in: 5.4.0b2; 5.3.1p3
No JSONUtility in previous versions
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Sep 29, 2023 12:46
it is unacceptable that after 7 years this bug is still present.
Dec 02, 2020 14:53
This is still an issue in Unity 2019.3
Jul 28, 2020 00:00
This is still an issue in Unity 2019.2.19f1
Mar 12, 2018 15:47
same issue with the last stable version of Unity, 2017.3. Check the example to reproduce this issue
Jan 12, 2018 15:46
The JsonUnility cannot decode even it's own encoded value. bool variable with FromJson fails for string "true"
Jun 01, 2017 18:07
Please fix this! I spent a great deal of effort convincing the team to use JsonUtility instead of add ons, and this bug makes me look like a putz.
Nov 29, 2016 12:11
There is a workaround for this.
You can use a private string field for serialization then have a method to do the conversion:
private string createdAt;
private DateTime? _createdAt;
public DateTime? CreatedAt ()
if (_createdAt == null) {
_createdAt = Convert.ToDateTime (createdAt);
return _createdAt;
Aug 07, 2016 16:46
I've just started noticing the same issue. Only effects children of a parent object that also has DateTime as a type.
Jun 18, 2016 00:24
Please, please, please, get this fixed!