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Fixed in 5.3.7



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Issue ID




[iOS] XCTest Unity tests fail due to a linker error



Steps to reproduce:
1) Open the attached project or create a new one.
2) Build for iOS and open the build with Xcode.
3) In Xcode, with a device plugged in, select a Team and wait for the indexing to complete.
4) Go to View > Navigators > Show test navigator.
5) In the Xcode's sidebar, hover over the 'UnityTest' entry.
6) Press the ► symbol that appears next to the entry to run the test.

The test fails with an error:
ld: -bundle and -bitcode_bundle (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE=YES) cannot be used together
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Reproduced on:
5.4.0p2, 5.3.5p3, 5.3.4f1

Did not reproduce:

iPhone 6+, iOS 8.0
iPad Mini 4, iOS 9.3.1
iPad Mini 3, iOS 8.4.1
iPhone 5, iOS 9.2

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