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[iOS] Xcode project loses framework references with Google Play Games plugin



When Google Play Games plugin is added to Unity project, it cannot be successfully deployed to iOS without removing and adding some frameworks in Xcode.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open the user attached project.
2) Build for iOS.
3) Open the Xcode project.
4) Add the following libraries:
* libxml2.tbd
* FBAudienceNetwork.framework (can be found online)
* UnityAds.framework (found in ~/buildLocation/UnityAds/)
5) Run on a device.

Building the app fails with an unknown error.

*The information below does not apply for Unity 2018.*
It fails to deploy, due to "missing" UnityAds.framework (even though it is in the list among other added frameworks). It has to be removed and added again, along with FBAudienceNetwork.framework and libxml2 for the app to run normally. Tested with Mono2x and IL2CPP.

Reproduced on:
2018.3.0b1, 5.6.0a5, 5.5.0f3, 5.5.0b11

iPhone 7 iOS 10.2
iPad Mini iOS 9.3.5

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