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Fixed in 5.6.0



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[iOS] Loading models with Tangents set to Calculate Legacy from asset bundles crashes in s_SkinVertices4Bones_Tangents_NEON_loop



When loading fbx models that have Tangents set to 'Calculate Legacy' in Import Settings from asset bundles, iOS builds crash in s_SkinVertices4Bones_Tangents_NEON_loop on 32 bit builds.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open the attached project.
2) Switch to iOS.
3) Go to Assets > Build AssetBundles.
4) Build for iOS.
5) Run on a device.

Animated models are instantiated and destroyed repeatedly on the screen. After several iterations, the app crashes in s_SkinVertices4Bones_Tangents_NEON_loop.
This does not occur when Tangents of the model 'unitychan.fbx' are set to other than 'Calculate Legacy' (needs rebuilding AssetBundles). Setting architecture to armv7 for IL2CPP or using Mono2x as the scripting backend resolves the issue as well.

Reproduced on:
5.6.0b1, 5.4.3p3, 5.3.7p2

iPhone 7 iOS 10.2
iPhone 5S iOS 9.1

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