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[iOS] Incorrect snapshot (rotated) when application returned from background



Reproduction Steps:
1. Create new project
2. Switch platform to iOS
3. In Player Settings, choose only Landscape Left.
4. Build to iOS device

5. Run application
6. Power button (lock screen)
7. Press home button (unlock screen)
8. Press home button (in app)
9. Press home button ( Collapse application (app go to background) )
10. Click on the app icon (reopen app (snapshot of application is shown))

Note: Repeat 5-10 steps until reproduction.

11. Shown snapshot is rotated incorrectly

Note: There is User's video on how to reproduce this issue and how it looks alike when reproduced.

Reproduced on versions: Unity 5.3.5f1, 5.3.6p7, 5.4.2p1, 5.5.0b9

Reproduced on: iPhone 7 iOS 10.0
Did not reproduce on: iPad Mini 4 iOS 9.3.1

Comments (2)

  1. MechEthan

    Oct 20, 2016 17:57

    This is causing us some significant issues with our app using the Cardboard SDK -- resuming the app in the wrong orientation causes Cardboard to initialize the Camera viewport incorrectly.

    Right now I believe our only recourse is drastic -- write a bunch of code to detect whether app was suspended and re-initialize the entire scene from scratch on resume.

    Reproduced on: Unity 5.4.2f1 (I got it before they pulled it.)
    Reproduced on: iPhone 6 running iOS 10.0.2

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