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[iOS] Builds fail when using .xcframework plugins



How to reproduce:
1. Download and open the attached project
2. Build and deploy the project to iOS
3. Observe the console

Expected outcome: Build does not fail
Actual outcome: The build fails with "Internal build system error. BuildProgram exited with code 1.
warning: Unknown file extension: xml
warning: Unknown file extension: properties
warning: Unknown file extension: xml
warning: Unknown file extension: properties
warning: Unknown file extension: xml
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at iOSPlayerBuildProgram.SetupTargetForInludedFile(IncludedFile file)
at iOSPlayerBuildProgram.AddProjectFile(NPath srcPath, NPath dstPath, Boolean addToEmbeddedBinaries, String targetGUID, Boolean shouldAddToProject, Boolean setTarget, SymlinkType symlinkType) " error

Reproducible with: 2022.3.23f1, 2022.3.25f2, 2023.2.19f1, 2023.3.0b10, 6000.0.0b16
Does not reproduce with: 2021.3, 2022.3.22f1

  1. Resolution Note:

    Empty xcframeworks/frameworks are not supported. Xcode build would fail if an empty xcframework would be included. Later Unity versions has a proper error message explaining that the build failed because of an empty framework.

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