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Invalid AABB errors are thrown when Mesh.RecalculateBounds() method is reached while in Edit Mode

Graphics - General


Reproduction Steps:
1. Create new project
2. Download and import User's package ("Schilder_InvalidAABBa.unitypackage")
3. Open User's custom window "GameObject/Set Pivot"
4. Expand "Schilder" GameObject's children
5. Select any of the "Schilder" children
6. Notice that a lot of "Invalid AABB" errors are thrown

Expected behaviour: If something with code is wrong, clear and simple to understand error should be thrown.
Actual result: This project throws a lot of AABB errors that do not explain what and where the issue is.

Note: Bug occurs in SetPivot.cs UpdatePivot() method.
It looks like it happens when "mesh.RecalculateBounds()" line is reached.

Reproduced on versions: Unity 5.3.7p3, 5.4.4f1, 5.5.0p3, 5.6.0b3

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