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[InputSystem][iOS] List of active touches gets cleared if there are more than 5 active touches at once

Package: Input System


Steps to reproduce:

1. Select Scene "TestScene"
2. Build & Run on iOS
3. Select "Touchsceen" from device list at the top
4. See that if you tap, information about touches appears on screen
5. Now keep adding fingers to the screen one by one until it's more than 5
6. See that when adding the sixth finger, all active touches disappeared

Expected result:
It should support more than 5 touches at once or at least keep the active touches active even if there are more than 5
Actual result:
The list of active touches gets cleared if there are more than 5 active touches at once

Devices used:
VLNQA00297, iPhone 11 Pro, 13.5.1
VLNQA00252, iPhone XS Max, 13.5

  1. Resolution Note:

    The OS automatically resets the touches after the 6th finger is placed on the screen, for iPad devices, this number is greater.

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