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In the project window / tab, when using the search field the filter label always says Assets rather than the folder selected

Scene Hierarchy


To reproduce:

1. Open the project, attached by the tester (
2. Make sure that Project browser is using two column layout
3. Open the Scenes folder
4. Try searching for Test script

Expected: the script is found; the search is conducted in the whole project not just the folder that is currently open

Reproduced in 2018.2.0a6, 2018.2.0b1, 2018.2.0a2
Did not reproduce in 2017.2.2p4, 2017.3.2f1, 2017.4.2f2, 2018.1.0f2, 2018.2.0b3, 2018.3.0a1, 2018.2.0a5
Regression introduced in 2018.2.0a6

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