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Fixed in 1.1.0-preview.3



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Issue ID




Hitting “Create Actions…” button on Player Input component, and saving the file throws a NullReferenceException

Package: Input System


Hitting “Create Actions…” button on Player Input component, and saving the file throws a NullReferenceException

To reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Import Input package
3. Select a Game Object in the scene
4. Add Player Input component
5. On the component press "Create Actions..." button
6. Hit save
Expected result: the .inputactions asset is created and referenced in the component
Actual result: the .inputactions asset is created, a null reference is thrown, no reference in the component.

Reproduced with: 2019.4.12f1, IS 1.0.1, 2020.2.0b10.3438, IS 1.0.1, US 1.0.0, 2021.1.0a10.1685, Input System 1.0.1
Does not reproduce on: 2018.3.8f1, Input System 0.2.1,

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