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When using physically correct sun values, the material previews are very misleading

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


When using physically correct sun values, the material previews when using emission will end up all looking white.

Repro steps:
- Make a new project or download this small project
- Use physically correct sun values
-Try to use Emission with any material - the Emission value needs to be set at a very high value for Emission to be visible in the scene - like 1000000
- Because of the physically correct sun values and the Emission needs to be up very high now, the material preview looks completely white, and it's now unusable from an artist's or a level designer's POV.

Expected result:
- when using the physically correct sun values, the material preview should also be using some sort of light and exposure settings that are compatible with that.

  1. Resolution Note:

    Will be fix in a sprint as an improvement.

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