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[HDRP] Texture with Height Map has artifacts when converting the Material from Standard to HDRP

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


How to reproduce:
1. Open "Testing" project and Scenes/SampleScene scene
2. In the Project window, select Bug/MainHullAndSuperstructure-Original material
3. Select Window/Render Pipeline/HD Render Pipeline Wizard and Upgrade Selected Materials to High Definition Materials
4. Apply the upgraded material to Rudder (Broken) Game Object
5. Observe the Rudder (Broken) material in the Scene view

Expected result: Texture is applied correctly
Actual result: Texture has artifacts

Reproducible with: 7.3.0(2019.4.14f1), 8.2.0(2020.1.14f1), 10.1.0(2020.2.0b11, 2021.1.0a6)
Could not test with: 2018.4.29f1(could not downgrade)

Note: Texture is applied correctly after manually changing the Displacement Mode to different and changing it back to Pixel Displacement

  1. Resolution Note:

    builtin standard shader only do parallax mapping with heigthmap whereas HDRP is doing either displacement or parallax occlusion mapping.
    built standard heightmap also don't have any "convention" for decompression, heightmap is just take as it, whereas HDRP ahve decrompression option.

    The tweak of the settings done are very specific to content and project and can't be generalise, there is no way to automate the right settings for the heightmap. conversion.

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