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Fixed in 7.1.6



Found in [Package]

7.1.2, 7.1.1

Issue ID




[HDRP] Property values are not aligned in Volume Preset

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Property values are not aligned in Volume Preset

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Create a new Project with 3D Template
2. Open Package Manager window
3. Find High Definition RP and click install
4. In Project window right mouse click > Create > Rendering > High Definition Render Pipeline Asset
5.Open Project Settings > Graphics > Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings slot > Drag and drop HDRP Asset to this slot
6. Create an empty Game Object
7. Add Volume component to it
8. Create Preset of Volume
9. Select Volume Preset in Project > Inspector > Volume(Script)

Expected Result:
Property values should be aligned

Actual Result:
Property values are not aligned

Reproducible on: 2020.1.0a10, 2019.3.0b8, 2019.3.0b4

Environment: Windows 10 and Mac 10.14

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