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HDRP - Importing assets from the asset store can cause HDRP asset to break

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


The HDRP asset can break when importing assets from the asset store. This causes the scene and game view to break and fail to render.

Steps to reproduce
- git clone
- open the OfficeRoom scene
- open the asset store, find realistic lights and switches pack
- download and import
Notice issue >> The scene will no longer render. HD Render Pipe Wizard values are all broken and require fixing.

- Run the wizard and create a new HDRP asset. You will have to manually fix your lighting and PPS values which is painful.
- Use your old HDRP asset. Fix all the errors in the HDRP Wizard. Wait for the scene to re-bake. Wait for the console error messages Restart Unity. It should now be fixed.

Tested broken
Windows 10, Unity 2019.3.0f3, HDRP 7.1.6

Tested working
Windows 10, Unity 2020.1.0a17, HDRP 7.1.6, 7.1.5

I wasn't able to regression check as I can't easily downgrade the package via the package manager. I had to edit the manifest. Which gives me console errors when I load the project.

The asset store window is gone in 2020 so I imported the lights package and downloaded the rock packs via "my assets" in package manager. This might have an effect on the repo.

Users reporting the issue on the forums

  1. Resolution Note:

    I tried to repro this issue and it seems that the project settings from the Asset Store pack-made for the Legacy renderer, override the HDRP project settings (which are very sensitive) and made the scene not render. Using the HD Render Pipeline Wizard helped me get the rendering back to normal.

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