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Fixed in 10.2.2



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Issue ID




[HDRP] Frame Debugger shows draw calls when all settings in Frame Settings are disabled

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


How to reproduce:
1. Open attached "case_1281049 FrameSettingsIssue" project
2. Open Assets/TESTSCENE
3. Open Frame Debugger
4. Press Enable in the Frame Debugger
5. Observe the Main List

Expected result: No draw calls are in the Main list
Actual result: There are draw calls in the Main list

Reproducible with: 7.5.1(2019.4.11f1), 8.2.0(2020.1.6f1), 10.0.0-preview.27(2020.2.0b5)
Can't test: 2018.4 (No Frame Settings)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 10.2.2):

    Shows only one Post Processing draw call in the Frame debugger, that's expected. Fixed in HDRP 10.2.2 and above, available in Unity 2020.2.0b12 and above

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