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Fixed in 7.2.0 and 8.0.0



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[HDRP] Deprecated legacy XR settings are enabled instead of new XR Plugin Management after fixing project in HDRP wizard

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new HDRP project
2. Open HDRP Wizard window (Window->Render Pipeline->HDRP Wizard)
3. Open HDRP + VR tab
4. Click Fix button in the left of "VR Activated" text

Expected result: Fix enables new XR Plugin Management
Actual result: Fix enables legacy XR settings

Reproducible with: 2020.1.0a19 (HDRP 7.1.7)
Not reproducible with: 2017.4.36f1, 2018.4.15f1, 2019.2.18f1, 2019.3.0f5 (Legacy XR settings were not deprecated)

- In the VR activated area, the text reads "VR need to be enabled in Player Settings". For 2020.1, this is no longer correct.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 7.2.0 and 8.0.0):

    Fixed with 2020.1.0b1 (8.0.1)

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