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Grid snapping is incorrect when dragging an object with multiple axes simultaneously (Move and Rotate affected)

Scene/Game View


To reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. In Hierarchy window, select the cube and try dragging / rotating it with multiple axes simultaneously

Results: moving the object results in X axis offset (X axis is using snapping distance of Z axis)
rotating results in snapping not being applied at all

Reproduced in: 2019.3.0a10 (feature is introduced), 2020.1.0a1
Not reproduced in: 2019.3.0a9

Note: Move snapping only offsets X axis (for reproduction, Z distance has to be greater than X distance)
Note2: Incorrect behavior of Move does not reproduce if both axes have same amount of snapping applied
Note3: releases that don't have the feature implemented: 2017.4.32f1, 2018.4.7f1, 2019.2.2f1

  1. Resolution Note (2019.3.X):

    This problem was fixed by other grid improvement work.

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