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Fixed in N/A: graphics driver update resolves the issue



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Issue ID




[GraphView] Artifacts in the ShaderGraph and VFX Graph windows once the computer wakes up from sleep

Package: GraphView


Repro steps:
1. Open the attached project, or create a new Universal RP or HD RP-enabled project.
2. Create a Shader Graph or a VFX Graph asset.
3. Open the asset in Shader Graph or the VFX Graph.
4. Put the computer to sleep.
5. Wake the computer and return focus on Unity.
6. Observe the grayed-out artifacts over the SG/VFX Window.

- Happens both in HDRP and URP
- Happens with both the VFX Graph and Shader Graph

  1. Resolution Note (fix version N/A: graphics driver update resolves the issue):

    Updating to the latest graphics drivers resolves the issue.

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