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Graphics.DrawMesh inside OnRenderObject does not display a mesh on both Game view and Scene view properly

Graphics - General


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Play the scene
3. Notice that the drawn mesh does not appear in both of the views
4. Try to resize the window in which the drawn mesh did not appear
5. Notice the flickering mesh when the view is being resized

Expected result: when the mesh is drawn is should appear properly in both of the views
Actual result: when the mesh is drawn, it randomly appears in one of the views correctly (or in neither), while flickering on the other (or both) when windows is being resized

Reproduced in: 2018.1.0a3, 2017.3.0b8, 2017.2.0p1, 2017.1.2p3, 5.6.4p2

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