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GetComponent("Halo") fails when there is dynamically attached parent to dynamically attached prefab.



Reproduction steps:

1.Open project I attached(SkyboxTestSceneRepro)
2.Open Main scene
3.Play project

Notice NullReferenceException appearing

Exceptions are coming from dynamically attached GameObjects when HaloResizerForPlanets script is trying to change "Halo" Size property.

Those objects are instantiated in StarSystemInfoScript.

Note that this issue does not appear in two cases:

1) Parent for planet (dynamically instantiated GameObject) is not set (line 280 in StarSystemInfo.cs)

2) If parent is set, then in HaloResizeForPlanets.cs variable fLastKnownScale (line 19) has to bet set in Start() method. If it is set in Awake() exceptions also will be raised.

Reproduced in: 5.3.5p3, 5.2.0f3, 5.4.0b20

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