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Generating a new locale doesn't update the "Available locales" table's entries on the Localization Settings asset

Package: Localization Package


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project (
2. In the Project window select the "LocalizationSettings" asset
3. In the Inspector window press the "Locale Generator" button
4. In the Locale Generator window select "English" and press "Generate Locales"
5. In the window that opens up select the "Locales" folder and press "Save"
6. After the locales finish generating observe the "Available locales" table in the Inspector

Expected result: There is an "English" locale entry in the "Available locales" table
Actual result: The "Available locales" table is empty

Reproducible with: 2018.4.22f1 (0.3.1), 2019.3.11f1 (0.3.2, 0.6.1)
Not Reproducible with: 2018.4.22f1 (0.2.3)
Could not test with: 2017.4.40f1 (Doesn't have a package manager), 2018.4.22f1 (0.2.1, 0.2.2) ("Available Locales" table doesn't display any locales), 2020.1.0b8, 2020.2.0a7 (0.6.1) (Gets stuck on "Creating Locale Objects" or "Re-serializing Assets")

1. Reselecting the "Localization" asset or sorting the table's elements by code or name, updates the table and the newly created assets show up
2. Tested on Windows 7 and Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 and KDE Neon 5.18)

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