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Generated lightmap has blocky artifacts when a Mesh is using generated lightmap UVs with Margin Method set to Calculate

Progressive Lightmapper


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project named ""
2. Open the Scene01
3. Bake the Lighting
4. Observe the model in the Scene or Game view

Expected result: Lightmap generated for the Scene does not have any artifacts
Actual result: The generated lightmap is blocky and the model is covered by light and dark squares

Reproducible with: 2020.1.0b9(8.1.0), 2020.1.3f1(8.2.0), 2020.2.0a7(8.1.0), 2020.2.0a21(10.0.0-preview.26, 10.1.0-preview.7)
Not reproducible with: 2020.1.0b8(8.1.0), 2020.2.0a1(7.1.8), 2020.2.0a6(8.1.0)
Could not test with: 2018.4.26f1, 2019.4.8f1("Calculate" option for the Margin Method was introduced in 2020.1)

1. The attached project is using URP
2. Graphics APIs tested: D3D11, D3D12, Vulkan
3. Artifacts start appearing when a certain threshold is reached for the Min Lightmap Resolution value

  1. Resolution Note (2020.2.X):

    We investigated the attached scene and found that the Calculate method is working as intended.

    The idea with the Calculate margin method is that the user specifies the minimum lightmap resolution and min object scale with which the associated model is expected to be used. However, in the attached test scene the Min Object Scale was set to 1 in the ModelImporter but the actual object scale used in the scene was 0.0254 (see game object transform). This means that the actual object scale was smaller the Min Object Scale in the mesh importer and this leads to a violation of the assumptions made by the ModelImporter's UV unwrapper.

    If we set the object scale to 1 the unwrap/bake worked as expected. Alternatively, you could set Min Object Scale = 0.0254.

    This being said, we can understand why the user has a hard time understanding how to use this feature. Our docs and UX is simply not good enough. Firstly, the 2020.1 docs ( does not contain information about this feature. Secondly, the information available in 2020.2 docs are not particularly good,

    We have created tickets to ensure that the docs are improved in this area.

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