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Game window does not display additional scenes in Edit mode, when adding Scenes which have disabled "Auto Generate" Lighting

Scene/Game View


There are 4 scenes in this project. 2 scenes ("AutoGen1" and "AutoGen2") have Scene Lighting set to AutoGenerate. Other 2 scenes ("NoGen1" and "NoGen2") have AutoGenerate disabled.
When adding those scenes to the Hierarchy, it produces different results in the Game window, depending on the order in which scenes were added.
Game window gets updated correctly, when mouse enters Game window, or game is Played or any keyboard key is pressed.
Happens only in editor, while in Edit mode.

To reproduce:
1. Open attached project "New Unity Project".
2. Open "AutoGen1" scene.
3. Add other scenes to hierarchy is this order: "AutoGen2", "NoGen1", "NoGen2".

Actual result: Game window displays only "AutoGen1" and "AutoGen2" scenes.
Expected result: Game window displays objects from all scenes which are in Hierarchy. (mouse over game window to fix that)

Reproducible: 5.5.4p2, 5.6.2p4, 2017.1.0p1, 2017.2.0b4, 2017.3.0a1

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