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[Game view] When you create new resolution and set Scale - it will be remembered when selecting another(existent) resolution

Scene/Game View


How we can reproduce it
--- please see attached video in comments ---
1 Create new project
2 Go to the Game view - notice that for "Free Aspect" resolution the maximum "Scale" is 5x
3 Create(Add) new resolution
4 Set "Scale" to some big number e.g.20x
5 Go back to "Free Aspect" resolution

Actual result:
notice that "Scale" for "Free Aspect" resolution is set to 20x, but maximum allowed "Scale" is 5x

Expected result:
Scale shouldn't be bigger than max value for this current resolution

  1. Resolution Note (2019.2.X):

    low priority and unliikely to be fixed for the moment

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