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[Feature Request] ModelImporter SkeletonPath is not exposed and cannot be used in custom importers

Asset - Importers


Generating an Avatar Mask skeleton from the generated avatar is impossible due to a check inside "AvatarMaskInspector.cs: ImportAvatarReference()". In that method, a check is made to determine if the importer used inherits ModelImporter. If not, the 'Import Skeleton' button is simply grayed out and the avatar is unusable. This implies that
user should inherit from ModelImporter rather than ScriptedImporter, but ModelImporter is not made to be inherited.

Expected result: User has access to SkeletonPath via ScriptedImporter
Actual result: User doesn't have access to the SkeletonPath and thus recreating Unity's default model import workflow is impossible

Reproducible with: 2018.4.25f1, 2019.4.4f1, 2020.1.0b16, 2020.2.0a18

  1. Resolution Note (2020.2.X):

    The Model Importer doesn't support plugins or extensions by-design.

    Whilst the team is having a wider discussion about making that happen in the future, I would like to close this specific bug because it would form a part of a much larger effort/feature.

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