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Particles are not modfied in Standard Assets package by changing their particle settings



To Reproduce:
1. Open Unity, make a new project and go to the Asset Store
2. Download and import Standard Assets (made for Unity 5.5.0 and later versions)
3. Go to "SampleScenes" --> "Scenes "--> "Particles"
4. Play the scene, by pressing left mouse button you can cause explosions

Expected result:
Particles are modified by the way how you change their settings.

Actual result:
Particles are not reacting to changes that you make to their settings (size, lifetime and etc.)

Reproducible with 5.6.0b2, 5.5.0p2 ,5.5.0f3.

Not reproducible with 5.3.6p7, 5.4.3f1.

Note: If you are using Standard Assets with Unity 5.5 and you want to reproduce the issue with the older Unity version, like for example 5.3, make sure that you delete the Standard Assets first. Otherwise Unity will import the newer version that you have on your computer,instead of downloading it and this might cause errors. If you want to delete Standard Assets just go to:
C:\Users\accountName\AppData\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store

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