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Fixed in 5.4.0



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Issue ID




[ExecuteInEditMode] Calling DestroyImmediate in OnEnable crashes Unity



Steps to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. In hierarchy, create empty game object and make sure that its Inspector is visible
3. Drag NewBehaviourScript on it and notice error that script can't be added and, when clicking OK, m_InstanceID != 0
4. Create new empty game object but this time make sure that its Inspector isn't visible (object isn't selected)
5. Drag NewBehaviourScript on it and observe a crash

Long story short: if object is selected and inspector is visible - errors, if object isn't selected - crash

Reproduced with: 5.2.4p1, 5.3.2p3, 5.4.0b6

Comments (2)

  1. x4000

    Jun 24, 2016 13:23

    Note: the problems I were having are now fixed in unity 5.3.5p5. I was seeing m_InstanceID != 0 issues, which I was assuming were related to this, but it may actually have been the Threadpool issues that were fixed there. Either way, b21 and b22 did not have the issue, but 5.3.5p4 did.

  2. x4000

    Jun 22, 2016 12:51

    Is this something that we could get int the next 5.3 branch patch? So far as I can tell, this is only in the 5.4 patch notes, and this is affecting a project I'm working on. Upgrading to 5.4 resolves this issue, but then of course there are new issues arising from the fact that 5.4 is beta.

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