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Fixed in 2022.3.23f1, 2023.2.18f1, 6000.0.0b14



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"Entity Baking Preview" GUI indentation changes when the "Material" GUI is opened or closed


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project ““
2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity“ Scene
3. Enable “New Sub Scene“ in the Hierarchy and select the “Cube“ GameObject
4. Drag the “Entity Baking Preview“ window up so the elements and the “New Material (Material)“ Component is visible in the Inspector
4. Select the “Unity.Rendering.Bounds“ element in the “Entity Baking Preview“ window
5. Expand the Shader drawer of the “New Material (Material)“ Component

Expected result: Nothing happens when the Shader drawer is expanded
Actual result: Alignments of the “Unity.Rendering.Bounds“ element variables changes

Reproducible with: 2022.3.21f1, 6000.0.0b11
Couldn’t test with: 2021.3.36f1, 2023.2.14f1 (Entities not supported)

Reproducible on: macOS 14.2.1 Sonoma (Intel)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- Issue is reproducible with other elements that have variables
- The EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth is incorrect due to the material GUI leaking a value into it, which breaks the indentation of elements in the “Entity Baking Preview“ window

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