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Fixed in 0.7.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[Entities] Unity silent crash when converting a GameObject with GenerateAuthoringComponent attribute

Package: Entity Component System (ECS)


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user-submitted project
2. Open the Sample Scene
3. Enter Play mode
4. Observe the crash

Reproducible with: Unity 2019.3.0f4 and 2020.1.0a17 (0.2.0-preview.18, 0.3.0-preview.4, 0.4.0-preview.10) -- when compiling in debug mode.

The issue is not reproducible prior to Unity 2019.3.0b10 because affected package versions are not available.

The asmdef that contains the generated authoring component needs to have at least one class with one method.
E.g.: class SomeClass { void SomeMethod() { } }

This is due to a bug that causes Debug C# compilation not to generate method tables in the PDB file in this case. Adding one class with one method works around the issue.

Fixed in next version of Entities (0.7.0)

Comments (3)

  1. Zagule

    Mar 06, 2020 14:49

    Would be great to apply the solution also for 2D Entities, where it still crashes (as of version 0.22) unless using the workaround

  2. msfredb7

    Jan 28, 2020 21:26

    Edit: I don't think Visual Studio was the issue after all. My Unity 2020.1 now only seems to crash if I put it in Debug Mode (new debug mode that was added at the bottom right of the Editor)

  3. msfredb7

    Jan 28, 2020 21:22

    I think I encountered the same issue. If you even encounter it again in 2020.1 (like me), try restarting visual studio. That's what seemed to have fixed it for me.

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