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Fixed in 0.7.0-preview.1



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Enabling 'Auto Right' in the Profile Analyzer causes constant comparison when Left Depth Slice is bigger than the Right one

Package: Profile Analyzer


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Import the Profile Analyzer package from the Package Manager
3. Open the Profile Analyzer window (Window -> Analysis -> Profile Analyzer)
4. In the Profile Analyzer window click the Compare tab and load the attached data (cavesofqud.pdata to the first slot and Capture (2020.1.0b2).data.pdata to the second)
5. Disable the Auto Right tick box
6. Set the Left Depth Slice to anything above 7 (because Right Depth Slice maximum is 7)
7. Enable the Auto Right tick box

Expected result: data comparison finishes either successfully or with a clear error message
Actual result: the Right Depth Slice gets set to 'all' and data starts being constantly compared without ever finishing

Reproducible with: 0.4.0 - preview.5 (2018.4.20f1), 0.4.0 - preview.6 (2019.3.7f1), 0.5.0 - preview.1 (2020.1.0b3), 0.6.0 - preview.1 (2020.2.0a5)
Could not test with package versions: 0.4.0 - preview.3 (could not load the data)

1. For the issue to reproduce the Left Depth Slice has to be bigger than the Right one but not the other way around
2. After the issue occurs the only way to stop the comparison is to close the Profile Analyzer window

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.7.0-preview.1):

    No longer gets stuck in comparison

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