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Fixed in 2021.3.36f1, 2022.3.21f1, 2023.2.13f1, 2023.3.0a1



Found in





Issue ID




Editor spike when selecting a GameObject with a Playable Director Component



Reproduction steps:

1. Open the attached “Repro“ project
2. Open the “/Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity“ Scene
3. Select the “Animation Timeline” GameObject in the Hierarchy
4. Observe Editor behaviour

Expected result: “Animation Timeline” gets selected instantly
Actual result: Editor freezes for a second or two

Reproducible with: 2021.3.34f1, 2022.3.17f1, 2023.2.4f1, 2023.3.0b1
Not reproducible with:

Reproducible on: M1 MacOS 14.1
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

Note: Selecting the GameObject also allocates a few hundred MB of memory

Comments (7)

  1. poolaffairs8

    Jun 16, 2024 10:02


    Let us show you the art of Ethical Hacking….!

    EMERALD HACKS is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
    emeraldhacks(.)org @ gmail(.) com

    Stay Safe out there !i

  2. kobemateo8

    Jun 12, 2024 22:22

    Trusted Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin Recovery Expert - Hire iBolt Cyber Hacker

    I am beyond grateful to iBolt Cyber Hacker for their assistance in recovering my stolen bitcoin. The team was incredibly knowledgeable, professional, and patient throughout the entire process. They made sure to keep me informed every step of the way and were always available to answer any questions or concerns I had. Thanks to their expertise and tireless efforts, I was able to retrieve my lost funds and avoid a significant financial setback. I cannot recommend iBolt Cyber Hacker highly enough to anyone who has been the victim of cryptocurrency theft. I will never forget the kindness and support they showed me during a very stressful time.


    Email: Support @ iboltcyberhack ... com

    Website: https : // iboltcyberhack . co m /

  3. hollandrichard1990

    May 20, 2024 17:30

    where opportunities abound and promises of financial prosperity beckon from every corner of the internet, the line between opportunity and deception becomes increasingly blurred. As a 38-year-old single mom, I embarked on a journey into the world of cryptocurrency investing, hoping to secure a brighter future for myself and my family. Little did I know, this journey would lead me down a treacherous path fraught with deception and heartbreak. My foray into cryptocurrency investing began with the promise of lucrative returns from a platform claiming to operate within Europe and South Asia. Blinded by optimism and the allure of financial gain, I entrusted my hard-earned savings to this fraudulent company, believing wholeheartedly in its legitimacy. However, my hopes were dashed when I began encountering difficulties with withdrawals and found myself entangled in a web of exorbitant fees and dubious practices. In a desperate bid to salvage what remained of my investment, I turned to a recovery company recommended to me by the very platform that had deceived me. Yet, even in my darkest hour, the deceit persisted, as I soon discovered that the company tasked with recovering my funds was complicit in the deception. Faced with the crushing realization that I had been betrayed once again, I felt a sense of hopelessness engulf me. It was in this moment of despair that I stumbled upon Lee Ultimate Hacker – a shining beacon of hope amidst the darkness of deception. Through a stroke of luck, I came across a blog post singing the praises of this remarkable team, and I knew I had found my savior. With nothing left to lose and everything to gain, I reached out to them, hoping against hope for a chance at redemption. From the outset, Lee Ultimate Hacker proved to be a guiding light in my journey toward financial recovery. Their professionalism, expertise, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction set them apart from the myriad of recovery services in the digital sphere. With empathy and understanding, they listened to my story and embarked on a mission to reclaim what was rightfully mine. Through their diligent efforts and meticulous attention to detail, Lee Ultimate Hacker succeeded where others had failed, restoring a sense of hope and security in the wake of betrayal. Their dedication to justice and unwavering determination to deliver results ensured that I emerged from the ordeal stronger and more resilient than ever before. Throughout the recovery process, their team remained accessible, transparent, and supportive, offering guidance and reassurance every step of the way. To anyone grappling with devastating financial fraud, I offer a lifeline of hope – trust in Lee Ultimate Hacker to guide you through the storm with expertise and compassion. In a world rife with deception and uncertainty, they stand as a beacon of reliability and trustworthiness, ready to lead you toward financial restitution and a brighter future. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, do not hesitate to reach out to Lee Ultimate Hacker.AT
    Support @ leeultimatehacker . com.
    wh@tsapp +1 (715) 314 - 9248

  4. jeroenrianne28

    Feb 28, 2024 19:56

    Two weeks ago, I found myself ensnared in a complex predicament after stumbling upon a seemingly irresistible offer on Facebook. It boasted of an FX Trader promising extraordinary returns – a claim validated by a user who purportedly invested $10,000 and reaped a tenfold profit within a mere five days. Seduced by the allure of substantial gains, I decided to take the plunge, investing in Ethereum.However, what began as a hopeful endeavor swiftly devolved into a harrowing ordeal. Over the course of a month, I poured over $20,000 into this Ethereum investment scheme. Yet, every attempt to retrieve my funds was met with elusive demands for further payments, cloaked in promises of unlocking accrued profits. The situation escalated as they insisted on referrals before allowing any withdrawals, trapping me in a cycle of financial entrapment. Feeling depleted and disheartened, I sought solace in a group, sharing my plight in search of guidance. Providentially, a member of the group recommended a crypto recovery expert known as the Wizard Web Recovery. Though initially skeptical, desperation compelled me to reach out to them. Upon engaging with the Wizard Web Recovery, I provided them with my transaction history and details. Remarkably, within a mere seven hours, they requested my wallet address and promptly restored a significant sum of $20,000 in Ethereum. The flood of relief that washed over me was palpable, and I couldn't express my gratitude enough for their swift and efficacious intervention. The scam unfolded through a series of deceitful maneuvers orchestrated by the FX Trader on Facebook. Their tantalizing promise of exorbitant returns initially captivated me, only to lead to a labyrinth of escalating demands for additional payments. It wasn't until a fellow member of the group suggested the Wizard Web Recovery that I glimpsed a ray of hope in reclaiming my lost Ethereum funds. For anyone ensnared in the tangled web of financial deception and Ethereum investment scams, the Wizard Web Recovery stands as a steadfast ally. Their expertise in recuperating funds from fraudulent schemes, coupled with their prompt response, offers hope for those seeking restitution. My first hand experience serves as a testament to the efficacy of ethical hackers in navigating the convoluted landscape of digital scams and providing a pathway to financial redemption.

    Thanks to the entire team of Wizard Web Recovery. For their amazing services in getting back my stolen Bitcoin. To learn more about them via :wizardwebrecovery or write : wizardwebrecovery @ programmer (.) net, Wishing you strength and resilience on your journey to financial recovery.

  5. christopherhampso

    Feb 07, 2024 15:21

    To successfully recover bitcoins, gathering relevant information and evidence is crucial. ADRIAN LAMO HACKER leverages their expertise to trace transactions, identify wallet addresses, and uncover any data that might lead to the recovery of lost funds. This meticulous process ensures that no stone is left unturned in the quest for your bitcoins. The first step in the recovery process is a thorough assessment of the situation. ADRIAN LAMO HACKER analyzes the details of the incident, such as the nature of the loss, any available evidence, and the potential avenues for recovery. This assessment allows them to create a tailored plan of action based on the specific needs of each case. Once all the necessary information is gathered, ADRIAN LAMO HACKER puts their recovery strategies and techniques into action. This may involve collaborating with law enforcement agencies, employing advanced forensic tools, or utilizing legal channels to reclaim your lost or stolen bitcoins. They work tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcome for their clients. With ADRIAN LAMO HACKER by your side, the mystical world of Bitcoin recovery becomes a little less daunting. Their expertise, combined with a touch of magic, can help you navigate the challenges and reclaim what's rightfully yours in the realm of cryptocurrencies. ADRIAN LAMO HACKER goes above and beyond the standard techniques to get your priceless bitcoins. Their highly qualified staff uses cutting-edge forensic analysis methods to extract valuable data from the blockchain. They assist you locate and retrieve your lost or stolen bitcoins by closely examining the digital traces left behind. When it comes to Bitcoin recovery, security is of utmost importance. ADRIAN LAMO HACKER understands this and prioritizes secure recovery procedures. With their expertise, they ensure that your sensitive information is protected throughout the entire recovery process. You can trust them to handle your case with the utmost care and professionalism. ADRIAN LAMO HACKER can help if you have been the victim of Bitcoin theft or have lost your valuable digital assets. They can locate and retrieve your lost or stolen bitcoins using state-of-the-art methods and their in-depth understanding of blockchain technology. Don't worry, they'll make every effort to return your hard-earned money to you. When it comes to bitcoin recovery, you can trust ADRIAN LAMO HACKER to provide expert guidance and assistance. Their team of skilled professionals excels in using advanced techniques and tools to help recover stolen or lost bitcoins. With a commitment to security, privacy, and successful case studies under their belt, ADRIAN LAMO HACKER is the go-to choice for effective bitcoin recovery. Don't let your precious bitcoins slip away; let the experts help you reclaim what's rightfully yours. Contact info - Via Email: Adrianlamo @ consultant . com

  6. sethsamson75

    Jan 02, 2024 11:58


    It's becoming a problem how people are being victimized by scam/fraud and sadly enough, it's kind of hard to find someone to trust with the recovery of the funds or whatever have been lost. I'm afraid of getting scammed again especially by clicking any link I come across in the name of investment or recovery of lost funds. Two months ago, I was duped an appreciable amount of the BTC I have. Hired a recovery expert to get my funds back, but unfortunately, I was scammed in the process again. With so much feeling of frustration, I decided to give up everything I lost. Although I reported the case to the FBI but still, no positive outcome. I was so worried and frustrated because it was all I had in my savings plus it feels so hard for me to start saving again. I told everyone I knew about the incident, hoping that help might come. Two weeks later I read about BLISS PARADOX RECOVERY in a magazine, little did I know it was a redemption I found. I decided to take the risk again by consulting them about my lost BTC. I emailed them concerning my issues, and luckily for me, I got a reply from them that same day. Honestly speaking, I never thought I could ever get a positive outcome from the lost BTC. But they got back what I lost within 8 hours. OMG, it still feels like a dream, something too good to be true. I'm so overwhelmed sharing this story because I know there's someone out here with a similar problem seeking help. You can hire BLISS PARADOX RECOVERY, a licensed hack expert for recovery of any fraud. I would like to share the contact details you can reach out to anytime you need help or someone you know who needs help.

    Contact details below:
    WHATSAPP: +1 3 8 0 2 0 6 9 7 1 2
    SIGNAL NO.: + 1 7 2 7 6 1 5 9 0 3 0

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