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Fixed in 2019.2.X



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Issue ID




Editor crashes on selecting a texture preset with different settings

Asset - Importers


Steps To Reproduce:

Scenario 1.
1. Create a project.
2. Import 2 images(Say image1 and image 2).
3. Change the texture type of image 1 to Normal map and hit Apply.
4. Make preset of the texture importer.
5. Select image 2 to open it up in the Inspector.
6. Click on the preset icon and select the existing preset.

Scenario 2.

1. Select image 1 and check 'Fadeout Mip Maps' in the inspector and hit Apply.
2. Make preset of the texture importer.
3. Select image 2 to open it up in the Inspector.
4. Click on the preset icon and select the existing preset.

Expected Result:
The preset should be selected

Observed Result:
The editor crashes

Reproducible On: 2019.2.0a4, 2019.2.0a1

Not Reproducible On: 2019.1.0b2


Mac and Windows

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