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Editor crashes in tlsf_free during Animator deactivation



How to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. Open scene GameScene.unity
3. Play the scene
4. Play the game until the first death
- This appears to be a tutorial level
- Eventually a triangle button should appear in the bottom right corner
5. Press the triangle button
6. Press the gear/cog button that appears
7. Press the FREE CURRENCY button
8. Go back to the menu and start the game proper
9. Play until the first death
10. In the menu that appears select the second option, then select the second option again
11. Wait for the animation to complete
- The game crashes
- If it doesn't crash, click the Play button (note that it flickers) and then Unity should crash

- Reproduced in Version 5.4.0b14 (0d4790749194), Version 5.3.4p3 (b902ad490cea)
- Not reproducible in Version 5.3.4p1 (e89f89413a91)

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