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[DXR] Setting high resolution for the Game view crashes the Editor with GfxDeviceD3D12Base::DrawBuffersCommon when DXR is used

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new HDRP template project and setup DXR using the HDRP Wizard window
2. Create a Global Volume game object and add Global Illumination override
3. Increase the Global Illumination parameters(Check the attached video for reference, this step may be different for various HW setups)
4. Set the Game view resolution to Free Aspect ratio
5. Enter Play mode
6. Change the Game view resolution to a fixed high resolution(4K for instance)

Expected result: The Editor changes the resolution or throws an error that due to high system load higher resolution is not available
Actual result: Editor crashes with GfxDeviceD3D12Base::DrawBuffersCommon

Reproducible with: 2019.3.7f1(7.2.0), 2019.4.10f1(7.4.3), 2020.1.5f1(8.2.0), 2020.2.0b2(9.0.0-preview.54, 10.1.0-preview.21)
Not reproducible with: 2019.3.7f1(7.1.8)
Could not test with: 2018.4.27f1(DXR was not yet available)

1. HDRP 7.1.8 would not crash even when Sample Count and Ray Length parameters were maxed out. The Editor definitely slowed down, but it remained stable

  1. Resolution Note:

    We have investigated this specific case and came to the conclusion that the crash was mainly caused by two problems that are expected with an RTX 2060(which was used to reproduce the issue) rendering at 4K resolution or greater.

    The first one is running out of memory due to the size of the render targets. The 6gb of VRAM may become too small to hold everything that is required. The render graph feature helps with that problem and allows rendering in higher resolutions without hitting the memory limit. The Render Graph functionality should become available in HDRP 10.x.x

    The second problem to expect is a timeout when using a less powerful since the GPU will crash the program if the task takes more than 2 seconds. There are ways to avoid that, but right now we don't offer any alternatives.

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