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[DragAndDrop] DragUpdated event isn't triggered if objectReferences and paths aren't set



Steps to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. In top menu, go "Window > Drag Test"
3. Drag green square on top of blue one, notice that it can't be dropped
4. Drag "DirectionalLight" to project tab to create a prefab
5. In Drag Test window, drag green square onto blue one and notice that this time it can be dropped

Additional steps:
6. Drag green square into project tab and notice that Directional Light prefab is created - this means that DragAndDrop.objectReference isn't reset after finishing drag operation

Reproduced with: 5.1.4f1, 5.2.4f1, 5.3.4p6, 5.4.0b18

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