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Fixed in 1.0.0-preview.12



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[DOTS] Subscene fails to build proper entity caches when UI(Toolkit) package is included in project

Package: UI Toolkit


Reproduction steps:
1. Open user attached project: "Bug_SubscenesBuildIssue"
2. Build project using ProjectBuilder -> Build(Latest git)
3. Install UI Toolkit package
4. Build project using ProjectBuilder -> Build(Latest git)

Expected result: The project builds and the Subscenes are loaded properly
Actual result: The project cannot be built and error "EditorElement' does not implement interface member 'IEditorElement.ReinitCulled(int)" is thrown

Reproducible with: 1.0.0-preview.7 (2020.1.11f1), 1.0.0-preview.8 (2020.2.0b9), 1.0.0-preview.9 (2021.1.0a2), 1.0.0-preview.12 (2020.2.0b9)
Could not test with: 2018.4, 2019.4 (Compiler errors)

Notes: 1.0.0-preview.12 fix is only partial, the error is not thrown anymore, but the Subscene is still not built properly.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.0.0-preview.12):

    Fixed in version 1.0.0-preview.12 (Requires 2020.2.0b9 or higher)

Comments (3)

  1. MarcelArioli

    Dec 25, 2020 09:05

    this is definitely still appearing with v13 of the ui package and 2020.2.0f1

  2. thelebaron

    Nov 17, 2020 19:41

    note - not tested in a build but in editor subscene fails to load "Loading Entity Scene failed because the entity header file couldn't be resolved. This might be caused by a failed import of the entity scene. Please take a look at the SubScene MonoBehaviour that references this scene or at the asset import worker log "

  3. thelebaron

    Nov 17, 2020 19:40

    this is still occurring with p12 of the ui package and the latest entities package on 2020.2.0b11

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