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"DllNotFoundException: MicrosoftOpenXRPlugin assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)" thrown when XR Plugin that is not selected for the desktop platform in settings gets copied to Build
How to reproduce:
# Open the attached project ""
# Open File>Build Settings...
# Enable Development Build
# Build And Run the project
Expected results: No errors in the Development Console
Actual results: "DllNotFoundException: MicrosoftOpenXRPlugin assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)" thrown in the Development Console
Reproducible with: 4.3.1, 4.3.3 (2020.3.46f1, 2021.3.21f1, 2022.2.12f1, 2023.1.0b9, 2023.2.0a7)
Reproducible on: Windows 10
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Resolution Note:
Our Mixed Reality partners at Microsoft have stated they are working on a fix, and plan to have that release in one of their upcoming versions (~1.8.1).