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"Detail Resolution Per Patch" property value does not change amount of draw calls per frame



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open "GuffTerrain" project
2. Open "GuffScene" scene
3. Enable Frame Debugger
4. Select TerrainContaienr>Terrain game object
-- Remember the number of draw calls which you can see in frame debugger
5. Expand terrain settings
6. Change "Detail Resolution Per Patch" value in Terrain Settings>Resolution part

Results: "Detail Resolution Per Patch" property value doesn't change amount of draw calls

Note: each terrain draw call draws ~290 vertices and ~1510 indices.

Reproduced with: 5.5.0a5, 5.4.0p2, 5.3.6f1, 5.3.4f1

  1. Resolution Note (2017.2.0f3):

    Detail patches control the number of draw calls for detail placements -- grass, rocks, etc.
    It has no effect on the actual terrain geometry, which is the large number of draw calls you are seeing here.
    The Terrain geometry draw call count is only indirectly controllable through the 'Pixel Error' control.
    We are working on an update for 2018.3 that will vastly reduce the number of draw calls for the terrain geometry.

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