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Fixed in 6000.0.3f1



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Deleting an ARC after maximizing and minimizing the tab does not redraw the window



When maximizing the ARC window, then minimizing it again, deleting the asset does not redraw the window, which can lead to erroneous behavior.

# Create an ARC (Assets > Create > Audio > Audio Random Container)
# Open the ARC asset
# Dock the ARC window
# Double-click on the docked ARC window tab to maximize it
# Double-click on the maximized ARC window tab to minimize it
# Delete the ARC asset (⌘{*}⌫{*})

Expected: The ARC window shows the empty state

Actual: The ARC window shows the deleted asset


Switching tabs so that the ARC window is no longer visible, then switching back to the ARC window, it is no longer accessible. Naturally, it throws a null reference error, since the asset no longer exists.

Possibly related to UUM-56966 or UUM-54885

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 6000.0.3f1):

    Fixed invalid state of editor window for AudioRandomContainer asset after maximizing and minimizing the window, followed by deleting the displayed asset.

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