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"Dangling components have unfulfilled dependencies" error appears when applying added component to the asset
1. Open attached project
2. Add "GameObject->UI->Text" to the scene
3. Make a prefab out of Text GameObject
4. Add "NewBehaviourScript" script from Asset folder to instance
(it has RequiredComponent(RectTransform))
5. Click on "Overrides" -> ApplyAll to asset
Dangling components have unfulfilled dependencies
UnityEditor.PrefabUtility:RegisterNewObjects(GameObject, HashSet`1, String) (at C:/UnitySource/Trunk/Editor/Mono/Prefabs/PrefabUtility.cs:277)
UnityEditor.PrefabUtility:ApplyPrefabInstance(GameObject, InteractionMode) (at C:/UnitySource/Trunk/Editor/Mono/Prefabs/PrefabUtility.cs:357)
Not repro in Version 2018.3.0f1 (6b82b3f38952)
Repro in Version 2019.1.0a12 (aa98f772c296)
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Nov 14, 2020 14:29
Just got this error for the first time after applying overrides to a prefab in the Inspector. 2019.4.13f1
Jun 15, 2020 22:18
This happens whenever i override a prefab and it's on a canvas with a grid layout(2019.4.0f1)
May 14, 2020 19:09
This happens on 2019.3.13f with the following setup:
1. Create an empty prefab object and place it on the scene.
2. Create a MonoBehaviour script ExampleBehaviour and add the [RequireComponent(typeof(Animator))] attribute to it.
3. Add the Animator component to the object.
4. Add the ExampleBehaviour component to the object.
5. Apply the changes to prefab.
The error appears because the ExampleBehaviour component is added first to the prefab but it has an unfulfilled dependency. Perhaps, Unity adds new components bottom-to-top to prefabs, and the error appears because dependant components usually appear under their dependencies, so they are applied to prefabs before the dependencies.
May 05, 2020 12:22
Happened to me in 2019.310f1 as well, however, as far as I can guess it's not a destructive error.
Mar 28, 2020 19:39
I'm seeing this a lot in 2019.3.6f1. I have a number of complex prefabs, and updating pretty much anything throws this error. If I do nothing but hit "Apply All" a second time the error goes away. I get that you say this is not reproducible, but it seems people are seeing it even in very recent versions of Unity.
Mar 12, 2020 03:37
Unity 2019.3.2f1
Dec 03, 2019 21:38
Also having this issue with nested prefabs. Could it be something to do with assigning a gameobject in the scene to a prefab in the scene?
Oct 30, 2019 21:01
This happened to me just now. I had a prefab with a script called Hand attached.
- I duplicated the script and called HandMod.
- Renamed the class inside it to HandMod.
- In the Inspector, I assinged the new script to the scene objects linked to the Prefab.
- At this point (I think) I applied deltas to the Prefab.
- I deleted the HandMod script (no longer wanted).
- The Inspector said script was missing.
- In the inspector I dag+dropped the Hand script into the script slot.
- I could not apply deltas (greyed out) so
- In prefab mode, where the script was missing, I dropped the Hand script.
- I wen out of Prefab mode
- I clicked Apply All
Everything seems to have gone through but that's when I got the error.
Sep 25, 2019 15:48
The same on Unity 2019.2.3f1
Sep 18, 2019 21:35
Adding it here coz it might be related and it points here when googling my error.
Dangling components have unfulfilled dependencies UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
Also happens in 2019.2.0f1. The way to reproduce bug is to edit a nested prefab, press on Apply as Override and then use Ctr-Z to undo the change.