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[CustomRenderTexture] Inspector overlap Update Zone values when width is small



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached Unity Project ""
2. Select "New Custom Texture" under Project
3. Add a new update zone under Update Zones in the Inspector
4. Drag the outer border of the Inspector to reduce its size

Expected result: scaling does not make value labels and value fields overlap
Actual result: "Center" and "Size" values of Update Zone in the Inspector are overlapping and covering other properties when width is too small (see attached gif "scalingoverlap")

Reproducible with: 2017.1.0b1, 2017.1.0f2, 2017.1.0f3
Note: not tested on earlier versions because the feature first appeared in 2017.1

  1. Resolution Note (2019.2.X):

    Won't fix for now as it's a pretty minor bug and we don't have any developer bandwidth available.

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