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Fixed in 5.3.6
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Crashes Editor or standalone while DX11 unloads Resouces when AMD's Raptr software is running
Steps to reproduce Editor crash:
1. Download and open project
2. Open Player settings
3. Change graphics API from DirectX11 to DirectX9
4. Crash window opens. See the attached log "Editor.log".
Steps to reproduce Standalone crash:
1. Open same project
2. Build for Windows and run it
3. Notice game crashes after a few seconds. See the attached log "output_log.txt".
Changing graphics API from DX9 to DX11 doesn't crash.
Exit Raptr (AMD Gaming Evolved App) before launching Unity Editor or standalone build.
Reproduced with Unity: 5.2.4f1, 5.3.0f1, 5.3.4p2, 5.4.0b14 versions.
Reproduced with Raptr (AMD Gaming Evolved App) 2.11.000 version.
Not reproduced Standalone build crash with 5.2.4f1, because multi-display feature appeared in 5.3 version.
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