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Issue ID




Crash on GUIDPersistentManagerV2::UpdateTargetHashes when closing Unity in the middle of package upgrade

Asset - Database


Reproduction steps:
1. Clone ""
2. Checkout commit "4e8a865756cb5ddc0d692ab27e03f6c172ef99e2"
3. Open the "UnityAnimationHDRPExamples" project located in the repository
4. Open Package Manager and find Entities
5. Upgrade Entities to 0.10.1-preview.11
6. Once "Burst Package Update Detected" window pops up, click "OK" and close the Editor

Reproducible with: 2019.3.11f1, 2019.3.15f1
Not reproducible with: 2020.1.0b10, 2020.2.0a13

First lines of the stacktrace:
0x00007FFD47DA9A9D (ntdll) RtlEnterCriticalSection
0x00007FF6A0B3C657 (Unity) GUIDPersistentManagerV2::UpdateTargetHashes
0x00007FF6A0AE706C (Unity) ImportAndPostprocessOutOfDateAssets
0x00007FF6A0AEEF1B (Unity) RefreshInternalV2
0x00007FF6A0AF1B96 (Unity) StopAssetImportingV2
0x00007FF6A0AEF746 (Unity) RefreshV2

- In 2020.1 and 2020.2 the issue seems not reproducible as it's impossible to close the Editor while upgrading the package and interrupt the import

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