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Fixed in 2017.2.0f3



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Crash after reverting and then deleting prefab instance

Scene Management


Steps to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. Ope scene 'test'
3. Expand 'New Sprite Mask' gameobject and unparent 'comma' object
4. When asked if you want to break prefab instance - accept
5. Select 'comma' and press revert - it will get parented by newly created 'New Sprite Mask 1' object
6. Undo - new 'comma' object will get created
7. Press Revert on 'comma' object that got created in step 6
8. 'New Sprite Mask 1' will get created again - in console some asserts will get printed
9. Delete 'New Sprite Mask 1' that got created in step 8

Asserts printed:
-Transform has SetIsDispatchInterested present when destroying the hierarchy. Systems must deregister themselves in Deactivate.
-In order to call GetTransformInfoExpectUpToDate, RendererUpdateManager.UpdateAll must be called first.

Reproduced with: 5.5.3p3, 5.6.1f1, 2017.1.0b5

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