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[CPUUsage] CPU usage is way bigger in 5.0.0 32bit builds than it was on 4.x 32bit builds

Deployment Management


Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a new Unity project with Unity 4.6.x
2. Build and run the project for 32bit architecture
3. Open task manager
4. Make the player window active (click on it)
5. Observe the CPU usage of the player (usually doesn't use more than 3%)
6. Repeat 1-5 steps with Unity 5.0.0
7. Notice that this time the CPU usage gets way higher (on my machine it goes up to roughly 20% at times, usually about 14-15%)

Note: this does not occur if the builds are 64bit

Comments (2)

  1. Nokola

    Oct 16, 2015 07:53

    I see a very similar issue, unity 5.2.1. When I disable vsync, cpu usage maxes out. With vsync enabled, it doesn't. Investigating.


    Feb 03, 2015 18:25

    In my opinion same problem described in issue id 667409

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