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CommandBuffer.Blit does not produce the same result as Graphics.Blit

Graphics - General


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the project
2. Open the "Test_CommandBufferBlit" scene
3. Play the scene and notice the gray screen
4. Open the "Test_GraphicsBlit" scene
5. Play the scene

Actual result: CommandBuffer.Blit and Graphics.Blit produces different result (image attached)
Expected result: CommandBuffer.Blit and Graphics.Blit produces the same result (image attached)

Reproduced on: 5.5.0b6, 5.4.1p3,
Shaders are not working correctly on 5.3 and 5.2 versions.

  1. Resolution Note:

    From user's code we can see that the script doing Graphics.Blit also set the Camera.targetTexture. But in commandbuffer one, the user didn't do that, and that's why the depth/stencil contents get lost.

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