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Postponed means that the issue was either a feature request or something that requires major refactoring on our side. Since that makes the issue not actionable in the close future we choose to close it as Postponed and add it on our internal roadmaps and technical debt pages instead.




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Code fails to compile due to order of the methods



Code does not compile if one method is below other method even though there is no direct calls between those two methods.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project.
2. See the error in console - "The name `ClearPool' does not exist in the current context"
3. Move "ClearPool" method above "public void Configure(T original, int poolSize = DefaultPoolSize)".
4. Code compiles correctly.

Reproduced on 5.1.0f3, 5.3.3p2 and 5.4.0b10

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