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Fixed in 5.6.0



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Issue ID




Character animation breaks during upgrade



1. What happened
For 'StrayTech Camera System' A$ package, character animation gets broken after upgrade from 5.5.0p4 to 5.6.0b3.
Importing package directly into 5.6.0b3 shows normal animation.

2. How we can reproduce it using the example you attached
- Open any of the sample scenes
- Play
Character animation is broken.
See video:

Alternatively to repro:
- Import 'StrayTech Camera System' A$ package into 5.5.0p4.
- Confirm the character looks OK.
- Open the project then in 5.6
- See the character gets broken.

Upgrade from 5.4.4p1 to 5.5.0p4 didn't have the issue.

Comments (3)

  1. andres6sistemas

    May 08, 2017 23:21

    Reimporting all solve the problem

  2. andres6sistemas

    May 08, 2017 22:58

    I Upgrade from 5.5.3 to 5.6 and I have the same problem

  3. Zomby138

    Feb 02, 2017 22:47

    I still have this problem in 5.6.0b6

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